The Link newsletter – 2023 edition

We welcome a new team member and provide a peek into our programmes, including some new stand-alone courses. We'll guide you through our new college website and share reflections and insights from the 2023 graduation


TEE College is thrilled to announce that our College Board Chairman, Prof. Dion Forster, has taken on a new role as Professor of Public Theology at the Faculty of Religion and Theology, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

We have moved to Brackenhurst

Thoughts of a new College home began in 2016, were delayed by covid, but were realised in 2021 - as staff moved into custom-renovated space to carry out the College's work.

With USPG and Anglicans in Botswana

Anglican theological educators from across Africa met in Botswana to explore the future of theological education for the Anglican church, given many changes of recent years across the continent. While this was mostly concerned with residential Anglican seminaries and colleges,…