Bachelor of Theology

Programme Description

The Bachelor of Theology provides students with the opportunity to integrate knowledge of the Christian faith with essential skills to minister to and lead Christian communities and contribute to the development and transformation of the broader society, as well as develop the values of such leadership. 

Students who wish to gain an understanding of the Christian faith and develop their own spirituality will also benefit from this programme. Some graduates might continue after this programme with post-graduate studies.

Be enriched & equipped

Explore the degree programme used by many Southern African churches for preparing men and women for ministry.


Programme Details

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As you plan to study on the TEEC B.Th programme we recommend that:

  • you start out with a maximum of two courses concurrently if you study part-time, and no more than four full courses if you study full-time;
  • you set aside four to six hours of study time per week for each course;
  • you explore the extension support options available to you described here;
  • you give yourself more study time in the weeks leading up to due dates for assignments, as you may need to carry out practical work done away from your desk.
  • full-year courses, 2 courses are semesterised (7000 & 7005)
  • print-based study material only (can include textbooks and audio-visual material) — all materials are included in the course price.

Programme admission requirements for a bachelor’s degree are set by legislation.

  • As a minimum: hold a valid South African National Senior Certificate with Matric exemption (High School certificate) or equivalent.
  • Alternatively successfully complete the TEEC Access Assessment obtaining an appropriate outcome for entrance to this programme.

See all admission options on the Start Studies page.

This programme is designed to:

  • provide the knowledge, skills and values you will need to help you do theology in your own context, and in other less familiar contexts;
  • help you think more deeply and critically about Scripture, the Church, and a variety of contexts;
  • enable you to put into practice – in church and community contexts – what you are learning;
  • stimulate and develop your personal spirituality as you learn to incorporate your studies into your life and ministry;
  • develop academic disciplines and competencies that will enable you to continue to study beyond this degree, should you wish to do so;
  • extend your academic and theological competence more broadly than is possible in a diploma.

Assessments evaluate the outcomes of courses, and contribute to the overall achievement of the programme outcomes.

The Bachelor of Theology programme requires that at least 96 credits be completed at NQF level 5, and that at least 120 credits be completed at NQF level 7, with the balance being completed at NQF levels 6 & 7.

The order in which courses are registered is as follows:

  • start with the fundamental course 7000 – available in either the first or the second semester;
  • continue with the NQF level 5 Compulsory courses that are pre-requisite for some of the Electives – spread these over at least two years (7002, 7003, 7004);
  • complete the remaining Core courses and your selection of Elective courses in any order – but note any pre-requisites, the NQF levels as well as the credit workload;
  • attempt course 7001 later in the qualification;
  • complete course 7401 only in the last year of the qualification.

To complete this 364 credit Bachelor of Theology degree you must complete (or be credited for) the following courses at the appropriate NQF levels:

  • the Fundamental Course (course 7000) – 10 credits;
  • all six Core courses (courses 7001, 7002, 7003, 7004, 7005 & 7006) – 126 credits;
  • nine Elective courses – with at least two in each of the three academic streams: Working with Sources (courses 71xx), Engaging with the Christian Faith (courses 72xx), and Applying Theology in Ministry (courses 73xx).
    At least 96 elective credits MUST be at NQF 7;
  • the Compulsory (course 7401 – Integrating Theology and Ministry) in the last year of study – 12 credits, NQF 7.

The College administration will confirm the satisfactory completion of the graduation requirements, and inform graduands in writing of their achievement.

Bachelor of Theology Courses

Course titles and credit values are listed below. See the Handbook linked above for detailed descriptions of each course, including the course outcomes. Please see the Study Path and Graduation requirements given above in order to select appropriate courses.

If your studies are being guided by your church training authorities then please do be in conversation with them concerning your required course selections for this programme.

Fundamental & Core

7000 Developing Skills for Theological Study **105
7002 Engaging with people pastorally and ethically225
7003 Growing spiritually, thinking theologically245
7004 Interpreting Texts: Bible and other Christian sources305
7005 Practicing Christian Leadership and Management **125
7006 Facilitating a Christian response to HIV and Aids126

** Semesterised: these courses can be registered in the first and second semester


Working with sourcesCreditsNQF
7103 Working with Old Testament Texts & Contexts 1246
7104 Working with Old Testament Texts & Contexts 2247
7122 Working with New Testament Texts & Contexts 1246
7131 Working with New Testament Texts & Contexts 2247
7155 Exploring our Christian Foundations246
7156 Exploring Christian growth and change246
7157 Exploring our Christian Contemporary Heritage246
7158 Exploring our African Christian World247
Engaging with the Christian FaithCreditsNQF
7243 Wrestling with our Faith246
7276 Journeying in Faith246
7261 Living an Ethical Faith246
7245 Discovering our Christian World247
7281 Working with other Faiths247
Applying Theology in MinistryCreditsNQF
7372 Proclaiming our Faith246
7373 Celebrating our Faith246
7375 Caring in Faith247
7377 Teaching the Faith247
7378 Reading the Faith through Women’s Eyes247

Final Compulsory

7001 Doing Ministry for a Change267
7401 Integrating Theology and Ministry127

Course 7001 should be attempted towards the end of your study path. This course involves a large project and should not be attempted concurrently with too many other courses

Course 7401 should only be attempted in the final year of study.

Articulation & Progression

The completed TEEC NQF level-7 Bachelor of Theology degree will give entrance to cognate Honours programmes, or cognate Post-Graduate Diplomas. It will articulate with lower cognate programmes at levels 5, 6 & 7 on the NQF. Credit transfer from this programme to a new programme is dependent on the qualification rules of the institution granting credit transfer.

The accredited programmes offered by TEE College are registered on the National Qualifications Framework. Each programme has a qualification type, and as such relates to other programme types on the NQF – either with TEE College or with other appropriate NQF-registered programmes at other institutions.