Higher Certificate in Christian Leadership & Management

Programme Description

The Higher Certificate in Christian Leadership & Management is designed to equip you for the vital ministry of leading and managing a local church, community organisation, or similar institution.

Impacting communities & organisations

Learn to serve with humility while leading with confidence.


Christian Leadership & Management Programme Details

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As you plan to study on this Christian Leadership & Management Higher Certificate programme we recommend that:

  • you balance your course load over the year between the first and second semesters; 
  • you register for no more than 24 credits (2 courses) in a semester if you study part-time;
  • you set aside at least four and a half hours of study time per week for each course;
  • you explore the extension support options available to you described here;
  • you give yourself more study time in the weeks leading up to due dates for assignments, as you may need to carry out practical work done away from your desk.
  • half-year courses (semesterised).
  • online study materials — the course fee includes platform access, but does not cover data used.
  • print-based materials are available at an additional charge (plus courier fees).

Programme admission requirements for a higher certificate are set by legislation.

  • As a minimum: hold a valid South African National Senior Certificate  (High School certificate) endorsed for Higher Certificate studies or equivalent.
  • Alternatively successfully complete the TEEC Access Assessment obtaining an appropriate outcome for entrance to this programme.

See all admission options on the Start Studies page.

This Christian Leadership & Management programme is designed to:

  • provide the knowledge, skills and values you will need to help you do theology in your context and in other less familiar contexts;
  • help you think more deeply and critically about Scripture, the Church, ministry and a variety of contexts;
  • enable you to put into practice—in church and community contexts— what you are learning;
  • stimulate and develop your personal spirituality as you learn to incorporate your studies into your life and ministry;
  • develop academic disciplines and competencies that will enable you to continue to study beyond this programme should you so wish;
  • provide an introduction to general theological disciplines with the option to continue with a Diploma, or gain entrance to an undergraduate degree.

Assessments evaluate the outcomes of courses, and contribute to the overall achievement of the programme outcomes.

This is a lock-step programmes and courses are to be attempted in the order given.

To complete this 120-credit Christian Leadership & Management Higher Certificate and graduate, you must:

  • complete all four Fundamental courses (48 credits); 
  • complete all six Core courses (72 credits)

The College administration will confirm the satisfactory completion of the graduation requirements, and inform graduands in writing of their achievement.

Higher Certificate in Christian Leadership & Management Courses

Fundamental courses

Course titles and credit values are listed below. See the Programme Handbook linked above for detailed descriptions of each course, including the course outcomes. This is a lock-step programme which builds knowledge, skills and competence across the courses in the programme, therefore the courses are registered in the order shown.

It is possible to take some courses as stand-alone NDP courses. Read more about NDP courses here.

If your studies are being guided by your church training authorities then please do be in conversation with them concerning your required course selections for this programme.

4LM01 A person called by God125
4LM02 Called to share good news125
4LM03 Serving in and through the Church125
4LM04 The world in which we serve125

The Fundamental courses on this Higher Certificate programme are shared with other ministry-focused Higher Certificates in the Christian ministry stream of programmes. Completed fundamental courses are transferable to the related Higher Certificate programmes.

Core courses

4LM10 Introduction to Christian Leadership125
4LM20 Introduction to Christian Management125
4LM30 Introduction to Administration125
4LM40 Introduction to Financial Leadership & Management125
4LM50 Introduction to Team Ministry & Conflict Management125
4LM60 Introduction to Transformational Leadership & Project Management125

Articulation & Progression

A completed TEEC NQF level-5 Christian Leadership & Management Higher Certificate will give entrance to cognate Advanced Certificate and Degree programmes. It can also transfer credit from the Fundamental Courses to related Higher Certificate programmes in the TEEC Christian ministry stream. 

The accredited programmes offered by TEE College are registered on the National Qualifications Framework. Each programme has a qualification type, and as such relates to other programme types on the NQF – either with TEE College or with other appropriate NQF-registered programmes at other institutions.