Advanced Certficate in Religious Education

Programme Description

The Advanced Certificate in Religious Education (AdvCert.R.E.) is designed for those who teach religious education in schools, colleges, parishes or faith based community contexts. It combines appropriate knowledge and insight with practical teaching guidance.

Shaping and enlivening young minds & lives

Bringing faith to life in classroom and pastoral settings through teaching excellence.


Programme Details

Select a tab for more details

As you plan to study on the Advanced Certificate in Religious Education programme we recommend that:

  • balance your course load over the year between the first and second semesters;
  • register for no more than 30 credits (two courses) in a semester if you study part-time;
  • set aside seven to eight hours of study time per week for each course;
  • you explore the extension support options available to you described here;
  • you give yourself more study time in the weeks leading up to due dates for assignments, as you may need to carry out practical work done away from your desk.
  • half-year courses (semesterised).
  • online study materials — the course fee includes platform access, but does not cover data used.
  • print-based materials are available at an additional charge (plus courier fees).

Programme admission requirements for an Advanced certificate are set by legislation.

  • Successfully completed a qualification at NQF Level 5 or higher.
  • Alternatively successfully complete the TEEC Access Assessment obtaining an appropriate outcome for entrance to this programme.

See all admission options on the Start Studies page.

This programme is designed to:

  • develop an understanding of the nature and origin of inspired sacred writings, in particular, the Hebrew and Christian scriptures 
  • provide a critical knowledge of the Bible as God’s word in human language, and an awareness of different methods of interpretation
  • develop the ability to describe and engage with the central teachings of Christianity from a historical perspective across a selected range of theological and moral issues
  • develop the ability to interpret these teachings in the light of their personal faith and religious experience, and an ability to translate them into their learners’ life contexts and experience
  • develop a broad but clear historical sense of God’s unfolding plan for humankind from the perspective of Christian faith in dialogue with other world religions 
  • communicate a basic knowledge and appreciation of the beliefs and practices of the major religions in South African society
  • promote an understanding of the place of religion in personal, social, cultural and political life
  • provide a critical knowledge of the nature of Religious Education and the role of the religious educator
  • develop the ability to manage the Religious Education curriculum in a chosen grade in a way that is sensitive to both systemic requirements, current issues and student interests
  • develop the ability to conduct a well-informed and well-resourced practice of Religious Education according to sound educational and religious principles, in a personal way that relates well to their teaching context.

Assessments evaluate the outcomes of courses, and contribute to the overall achievement of the programme outcomes.

The order in which courses are registered is as follows:

  • You must start with the first Compulsory course 5RE01;
  • Compulsory and Electives courses can be completed in any sequence;
  • You must complete four elective courses, at least one from each of the three stream and the fourth from any stream.

To complete the 120-credit Advanced Certificate in Religious Education and graduate, you must:

  • complete the four compulsory core courses (60 credits);
  • complete another four out of eight elective courses, choosing at least one course from each of the three streams (60 credits).

The College administration will confirm the satisfactory completion of the graduation requirements, and inform graduands in writing of their achievement.

Advanced Certificate in Religious Education Courses

Course titles and credit values are listed below. See the Programme Handbook linked above for detailed descriptions of each course, including the course outcomes. Please see the Study Path and Graduation requirements given above in order to select appropriate courses.

If your studies are being guided by your school, or church training authorities, then please do be in conversation with them concerning your required course selections for this programme.


5RE01 Revelation, Scripture and Tradition156
5RE02 Human Existence, God and Human Destiny156
5RE03 World Religions and Interreligious Dialogue156
5RE04 Religious Education in Theory and Practice156


Religion & SocietyCreditsNQF
5RE15 The Search for Meaning and Values: Human Culture, Religion and Faith156
5RE16 Religion, Morality and Society156
5RE17 Science and Religion156
Religion in practiceCreditsNQF
5RE25 Spirituality and Life156
5RE26 Principles of Social Justice156
5RE27 The Worshipping Community156
Historical perspectivesCreditsNQF
5RE35 The Jesus of History and the Christ of Faith156
5RE36 The History of Christianity156

Articulation & Progression

A completed TEEC NQF level-6 Advanced Certificate in Religious Education will give entrance to cognate Advanced Certificate, Advanced Diploma and Degree programmes. Credit transfer from this Advanced Certificate in Religious Education programme to a new programme is dependent on the qualification rules of the institution granting credit transfer.

Work completed on this programme can be recognised through SACE for PDP.

The accredited programmes offered by TEE College are registered on the National Qualifications Framework. Each programme has a qualification type, and as such relates to other programme types on the NQF – either with TEE College or with other appropriate NQF-registered programmes at other institutions.