TEEC Access Assessment
This access assessment instrument helps potential students in two ways:
- it is ideal for people who lack the secondary schooling certification normally required as part of a registered programme’s entrance requirements (usually a South African National Senior Certificate),
- it helps prospective students make a realistic evaluation where they have not done much by way of formal study since completing their secondary schooling (usually older people). This helps guide new students toward appropriate programmes.
The Access Assessment is an internal evaluation tool (designed and used by TEE College) for determining the academic readiness and ability of a person wishing to study on a registered and accredited TEEC programme.
Opening doors
Are you excluded from formal studies? Then lets find a way to help you gain access to appropriate studies.
Access Assessment Instrument Details
Select a tab for more details
This is designed to …
This does not …
- evaluate your academic ability in relation to the knowledge and skills required for studies in theological disciplines;
- determine your readiness to study on a TEEC programme within the College’s distance-learning context;
- determine the most appropriate level of study and progression path within TEEC’s offered programmes;
- satisfy the relevant entrance requirement (via RPL), upon successful completion and a positive recommendation for further study on TEEC programmes.
- does not replace or provide an alternative to secondary schooling certification (e.g. it is not an equivalent to, or
replacement of, a National Senior Certificate); - does not provide bridging or remedial support to students who are academically inadequate for study at tertiary level;
- has no value to other institutions. An Access Assessment result that recommends study on a TEEC programme is not an endorsement for entrance to study at another institution on a similar programme;
- is not a registered course or programme;
- does not give credit.
- The access assessment does not automatically lead to entrance / enrolment on a TEEC programme.
- A successful access assessment result simply indicates whether a student is granted entrance to an NQF level five, six or seven programme at TEE College. It provides no other guarantees, indicators, concessions or conditions.
- A student with a successful result still needs to register for a particular programme in the prescribed way, paying the relevant fees, during the registration period for that particular programme.
Any person wishing to gain entrance to a higher education programme at TEE College (or evaluate their readiness for such study) may attempt the access assessment. Use the link below.
Following an unsuccessful outcome of the Access Assessment, it may only be re-attempted after 6 months.
The medium of instruction for all registered programmes at TEE College is English. A student needs to demonstrate competence in English as part of this assessment.
It is possible to register for the Access Assessment at any time during the year, using the prescribed registration process and paying the relevant fee.
The Access Assessment result will indicate which programme/s the student can gain entrance to. The standard College and programme regulations will apply, together with the usual rules for articulation and progression of the relevant programme.
Entering a programme through the Access Assessment does not in any way alter, exempt, condone or replace a programme’s rules.
The fee for the Access Assessment is R450.00 + R120.00 courier fee to deliver the materials (within South Africa).
Deposit this amount to the College bank account (deposit details here) and forward your proof of deposit / EFT to payments@teec.co.za.
What happens next?
Upon receipt of a duly completed application, together with the reconciliation of the payment of the fee, the registration will be evaluated and processed.
Students registered for the Access Assessment will be sent:
- Their Confirmation of Registration Letter
- SPCK text book: Understanding and Using the Bible (which students keep)
- The Assessment Instrument (A workbook in which students will write their answers and then submit in whole to the College)
Instructions for completing the Access Assessment are contained in the Assessment Instrument. The student will work with the supplied textbook.
Once complete, the student is to submit the Assessment Instrument to the College (the address is supplied). This must be submitted no later than three months from the registration date shown on the Confirmation of Registration letter.
Assessment Instruments submitted after the three-month deadline will not be evaluated, and the student will forfeit the fee paid.
The access assessment outcome
Once the evaluation is concluded, the student will be informed in writing if they have been successful, and if so which level of programme the College will offer them entrance to study.
Possible successful results are:
- entrance to a Higher Certificate
- entrance to a Higher Certificate, Advanced Certificate or Diploma
- entrance to a Higher Certificate, Advanced Certificate, Diploma or Degree
A student who does not have a successful outcome may only apply to repeat the Access Assessment after six months. The College may suggest other available alternatives.